Call for communications to an International Colloquium
“Cultural Diversity and Citizenship:
Educational Challenges inan era of Globalisation”
University of Corsica (France) October 12-14 2017.
Managed by: B. Garnier (UMR CNRS LISA[1] 6240), R. Malet (Chairman AFEC[2]), J.-L. Derouet (Chairman CR n°7 of AISLF[3])
The colloquium will be followed by publications and research.
Information, Submission Papers avec Symposia, please go on this website:
You may ask for help at this address:
The authors of a Symposium project will be free invited from their home country to Corsica and will have no inscription fee to pay.
Special low inscription fee are offered for low income areas citizens.
The main language of the Colloquium is French, but other languages are welcome: in that case, an abstract in French and slides in French will be required (we can provide the translation in French if required).
Two Main subjects will be discussed:
1/ Issues Related to Education Policies
Understanding the challenge involved in reformulating the democratic project in societies that set objectives in terms of acknowledgement of (linguistic, cultural, religious, ethnic as well as gender) differences.
Socialisation and integration have always been displayed as primary objectives of education. Did these terms have the same meaning at the time of Jules Ferry and today?
What is the place given to minorities in current education systems?
What should be the benchmarks for an equal right - and open to diversity citizenship: an overall citizenship? Active citizenship? Inclusive citizenship? What are the perspectives in terms of local and participatory democracy?
A Europe of education beyond its borders: reflections on the different socialisation and integration policy levels: local, and even hyper local, Nation-state, European, but also Mediterranean, French-speaking, etc.
2/ Issues Related to Practices
The perspective of “inclusive societies”: a new role distribution between formal and informal education and between institutions – family, school, city, communities, churches, work and associations.
Educational approaches to cultural diversity: which tools, which mechanisms? Which teachers’ training?
Practices and experiences in cultural flows and contacts.
What is intercultural teaching?
Publications to 2018
One or two publications on “Compared Education” are possible; the ESPE Aquitaine will support the publishing adding value efforts for the event. Publications are also possible in “Éducation et Sociétés” and “Carrefours de l’éducation”.
One special book will be published in addition.
[1] Lieux, Identités, eSpaces, Activités.
[2] Association Francophone d’Education Comparée
[3] Association Internationale des Sociologues de Langue Française